Μόνο το 1970 διακόπηκε η διεξαγωγή του για πολιτικούς λόγους, που ανέκυψαν λόγω της απαγόρευσης συμμετοχής της αντιπολεμικής ταινίας “Ο.Κ.” του Μίχαελ Φερχέφεν (Michael Verhoeven).
Τα κύρια Βραβεία που απονέμονται είναι η Χρυσή Άρκτος και η Αργυρή Άρκτος.
Η 66η Berlinale διεξήχθη απο τις 11-21 Φεβρουαρίου 2016, με πρόεδρο της κριτικής επιτροπής την ηθοποιό Meryl Streep.
[Φεβρουάριος 2016]
The Berlin International Film Festival, also called the Berlinale, is one of the world’s leading film festivals and most reputable media events. It is held annually in Berlin, Germany.
Founded in West Berlin in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978. With around 300,000 tickets sold and 500,000 admissions it is considered the largest publicly attended film festival worldwide based on actual attendance rates. Up to 400 films are shown in several sections, representing a comprehensive array of the cinematic world. Around twenty films compete for the awards called the Golden and Silver Bears.
The 66th Berlin International Film Festival was held from 11-21 February 2016, with American actress Meryl Streep as the President of the Jury.
[February 2016]